Heavy duty winch for tough requirements

Dalelven has contributed with product development and strength calculations to ensure that the winches meet all technical requirements.

Sepson is located in Vansbro and supplies hydraulic winches worldwide. 90 percent of the company’s products are exported, and are used on vehicles like tow trucks, drilling rigs, fire engines and military vehicles. These are vehicles that have to move fast in tough conditions such as the frozen tundra north of the Arctic Circle or a dusty desert in Australia. The winches must be one hundred percent safe and reliable.

To reduce the weight of the winch, Sepson developed a new version in aluminium. But would the new product hold up to the load? Dalelven developed a theoretical calculation model for load. Then real tests were carried out with real loads. By comparing the results, Daleleven was able to develop a general calculation model for synthetic ropes, which made it possible to calculate how much the new winch needed to be strengthened.

Dalelven has also developed a new reeling drum for Sepson’s new Septrac winch. Because it must fit in small spaces, Dalelven has developed a compact winch for larger amounts of line, but less load.

“Dalelven knows our products, they are flexible and work independently, which makes it easy to outsource tasks to them,” says Daniel Eriksson,  R & D Manager at Sepson.

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Dalelven offers services within products design and development, where our strengths are in mechanics, electronics, software, prototypes, testing and production. Everything is done  in-house and tested with advanced systems in our own Prototype and Test Centre.

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