Clients & Cases

Dalelven have several years of experience in product development. Our clients range from small start-ups to large international businesses with turnover in the billions SEK. Dalelven conducts business in all stages of the product development process, we take responsibility for subprojects or entire projects from idea to finished product.

Connected air filters ensure a healthy working environment

With cloud-based operating data, Absolent A•smart provides cleaner air, fresher premises, healthier employees and minimal production downtime for maintenance.

Wireless control facilitates care

Wireless control of individually adapted work chairs to make it easier for carers and care takers, which are used in the home and in care facilities.

Smart connected mixer keeping track of water consumption

A tap with integrated sensors analysing the water consumption to optimize usage. A reality when Dalelven created a smart connected mixer for FM Mattsson.

World’s most compact water cleaner

The vital facility Cubo compact merely takes up the space of a small cabinet and cleans water for use in hospitals - a product developed by Dalelven.

Heavy-duty winch

Sepson is an international supplier of winches for tough conditions. Dalelven have developed and computed the strength capabilities to ensure the winches achieve all the technical requirements.

Sit-to-stand hoist takes care to new heights

Every time a patient needs help from the bed to a wheelchair Molifts products are to great use. Dalelven was a part of designing the QR 205, where ergonomics and design was in focus.

When every gram counts

Life in a wheelchair is a challenge in many ways. Clumsy aid tools and obstructions is a daily problem for those in a wheelchair. Dalelven have been a part of developing functional and lightweight accessories to Pantheras wheelchair S3.

Some of our clients

Want to know more?

Questions about our  success stories? General questions about product development? Need help in developing your products?

We are more than willing to help, feel free to contact us anytime.

What does Dalelven offer?

Dalelven offers services within products design and development, where our strengths are in mechanics, electronics, software, prototypes, testing and production. Everything is done  in-house and tested with advanced systems in our own Prototype and Test Centre.

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